February Offshore Has My Anglers Seeing Red And Teeth!
Blog Entry Date: February 18, 2014
After a cold ending to the month of January which saw Naples temperatures dip into the low 30s, February has not disappointed for anglers hopping aboard The Grand Slam!

Wintertime Red Grouper!
We haver been taking advantage of the great Gulf of Mexico conditions and pushing out to water depths in the 45-60 foot range and finding the Red Grouper quite hungry. Employing a variety of live/dead baits has yielded solid numbers of Reds up to 12-pounds. Also coming of the rails of The Grand Slam has been your typical "winter mix" of Lane/Mangrove Snapper, Porgies and feisty Triggerfish.

Light Tackle Red Grouper Aboard The Grand Slam
While managing solid catches of the half-day trips, I do however recommend the six and eight-hour trips as the added time allows us more fishing options.
If big Sharks are your "dream catch" you are in luck! The last several weeks I have observed an uptick in the amount of Shark activity here along the Naples Florida coastline. While many are hooked and sadly lost during the battle, anglers have been scoring releases on Tiger, Bull and Sandbar Sharks on nearly each outing aboard The Grand Slam!

Plenty Of Big Sharks To Tug On!
Anglers, look for this bite pattern to continue as we progress through out the month and on into the Springtime calendar.
Come Fish The Grand Slam!!!
Captain Will
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